Saturday, March 29, 2014

Thoughts on Merton

"The acceptance of reality is always a liberation from the burden of illusion that we strive to justify by our own errors and our sins." -Thomas Merton

A heavy quote I read a couple of weeks ago, and I have not stopped thinking about it ever since.
The burden of illusion: Reality is relative, right? My reality is not yours, hers, or theirs because my experience is personal. My experience occurs within my heart, soul, and mind, and if I do not adequately communicate how I am experiencing my own reality, others could be completely unaware of it (as I would be unaware of theirs).

We justify the illusions we continue to uphold in an effort to avoid facing our own shit (how eloquent of me, right?). His fault, her fault, their fault. The world is against us; we have no control over this or that outcome; I am this way because of that issue from my past. These illusions only succeed in robbing us of our hope because we are powerless to change the future due to our lack of control. Further, illusions blind us to experiences that have the potential to add dimensions to our character which can only be gained from some of the toughest lessons we learn in life. If we are constantly skirting responsibility, how are we ever going to see the reality in the mistakes we have made? There is something to be said for the scars and wounds of our souls that remind us that we are not infallible.

When you are fully human, fully capable of wrongdoing, and fully ready to own it, you have potential to help others on their own personal journey. However, if you were never at fault, and everything you've ever done wrong was actually someone else's issue, you are a one-dimensional sub-human! Only humans have sins and faults. You, however, are merely a victim in every sense of the word. What a pitiful reality to accept! Nothing is ever your fault!

Acceptance of Reality: "Liberation" is the absolute perfect word here, which isn't surprising given the genius that Merton was. The liberation that occurs when one accepts a true reality facilitates a hope that we require to reach higher and deeper as we go about the living of our lives. Not only are we liberated when we accept reality, we enable ourselves to develop soul, a depth of character that brings about fullness in existing.  Victory is that much sweeter when it's accompanied by all the blood, sweat, and tears of our being. Forgiveness is that much more of a treasure when we fully accept our wrongdoing. Relationships can reach their full potential when we come down off that high pedestal and join the rest of society in the mud of being Human. It's all liberating because it's all living. It's all real and true. The shit, the sins, the misgivings-- they are what make us who we are; and I have to say that, as a whole, I believe Humans to be truly amazing in their many facets. Denial of your own reality encompasses an immaturity that will ultimately prevent you from the true happiness that comes from engaging in fully intimate relationships (romantic or otherwise).

There is enough rubbish in this world to go around. If you aren't accepting your own, chances are that you are piling it on others and judging them for it.

If you accept reality, what illusions will you be liberated from? (Yes, you'll have to excuse me for ending that sentence with a preposition. I've read that these days, it's sometimes acceptable!)