Wednesday, December 17, 2014

The Human Condition

Recently, one of my best friends and I took off for a 5am run near the beach (who the hell runs that early on a Saturday? We do). As we were running, because it was still dark out, she tripped and fell. She jumped back up so fast that I barely had a break in stride, and we continued running for another few miles. 
On the return trip of our loop, I was so focused on the path that I barely noticed dawn was breaking. My friend pointed at the ocean and noted how beautiful the triplet waves looked against a new dawn. 
It wasn't until we returned from our run that I noticed she had totally split her knee when she fell. The next day, I did the same run in the early afternoon, and I realized that where she fell was the roughest part of that entire path. 

For the rest of my run, I couldn't stop thinking about the people I know who have suffered through incredibly dark nights, and no one on the outside would have ever known. Because these extraordinary individuals carried themselves with grace, got back up without breaking stride, and kept putting one foot in front of another, countless outsiders never knew how badly these people were hurting. Or, sadly, with callousness and disregard,the outsiders minimized the pain and effects of the sorrow experienced by those who were weathering a storm. (He/She LOOKED fine, so therefore, must BE fine)

As if she wasn't bad ass enough for not even breaking stride after that fall, despite being in pain, it was my friend who noted the beauty of the sunrise.

It takes strength, courage, and determination to walk with grace while the world falls apart around us. I love that there are tender spirits out there who see beauty in the world even when things are bleak and seemingly hopeless.  That's a choice they make. 
Because of this choice, few would be aware they these precious souls struggle each day to make It work; to show up to life; the figure a way out of their current sorrow. 

It brings be back to a few quotes:

"... Love dares you to care for the people on the edge of the night, and Love dares you to change our way of caring about ourselves. This is our last dance..." (Queen, Under Pressure)

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." (Plato) 

Just food for thought. We never know what battles people are fighting. Even the strongest, bravest, bad ass mofo you know could be experiencing a pain you have not imagined. Be kind. 
