Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Slumbering Society (Dare to Achieve II)

I often wonder what gets people moving. When I meet someone, one of the first curiosities I have is about what gets his/her heart thumping and why. The people who fascinate me the most are the ones who could clearly answer those questions in an instant. Those people are few and far between, unfortunately.  I don’t believe this is because others have never had purpose or reason. I think it is because, over time, these dreams and visions were “reasoned” right out of our minds.

It’s a strange shift in principles that seems to take place sometime during our twenties; a drastic shift in our Ideals Paradigm. American children are “encouraged” (I say they are forced) to over-extend themselves from the time they are in diapers until they finally escape the tentacles of their “over-achieving” parents and attend college somewhere far, far away. It is there that they blossom, strategize their visions, and begin the work of moving forward towards their destinies. Somewhere along the lines, however, the same parents who signed them up for little league at the age of nine months begin to sway them from their lofty aspirations. The clear messages are: that’s not realistic; that doesn’t make enough money; you can’t do all that. Their visions are clouded with doubt, which sets the stage for reconsideration, which slows the neck-breaking pace of success and achievement, and then BOOM...there is some cognitive restructuring and, not so suddenly, those lofty dreams become “realistic” dreams and they begin to live the Great American Dream. Hummmmmmmmmdrummmmmmm monoooottttoooony.

This, of course, isn’t true for everyone and I’m generalizing, obviously. There is certainly a select, fortunate group of people who truly can not wait for the sun to rise. They are prepared for battle at every moment and they intend to secure their dreams no matter what occurs. They have encountered the pitfalls; fielded the discouraging words; and worked through periods of preparation (or, what Dr. Seuss called, “the waiting place”). These are the brilliant people. These are the excited people. These are the ones who make YOU want to get out of bed in the morning and look for the next big adventure. I wish these people existed in abundance. These are the people who should be your mentors.

I’ll use this platform to encourage people to remember the beginning when they had dreams and great aspirations. Remember the excitement of planning and strategizing the next big thing. Remember the adrenaline rush that came with the fear of failing…and use it to force you to push harder. It’s not too late to be That Person.
If you can’t do it all now, that’s ok. Do a piece of it. You wouldn’t believe how healing that can be for the slumbering, weary soul. One piece of your dreams will give you the strength to go after more…and more…and then even more.
WAKE UP! Your life is worthwhile! YOU are worthwhile.
Consider the storms and changes you have weathered in your life. As I see it, beginning the beautiful work of achieving your dreams is a task you are ready to accomplish.

Dr. Seuss had it right:
“You have brains in your head and you have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose!”

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