Tuesday, November 8, 2011


After dealing with an overly sore foot for almost a month following the Century I did, I finally gave in and went to see the good Doc. The diagnosis was not that someone had been putting boogers in my sandwich (Yes, he has said that before). After I moved his 85lb cat off the exam table and sat down so he could take a little look-see, he told me I had a repetitive motion injury and that both the ligaments and tendons had been damaged. No impact cardio for a MONTH! That bastard! We talked about my other options, after I assured him that I could not, and would not, be taking a month off. I mean, jeez...I may as well just take my Fat Jeans out of storage at the mere thought of it.
When I got back to the office, after a reassuring lunch with ST, I had decided on a great course of action and I knew I would remain as fit as a fiddle with my new routine, which would include all kinds of fun things, like....ok, there was nothing "fun" about it, but I did have some good ideas.

I walked into the kitchen to refill my water, and ended up in a conversation with one of my bike buddies from work. I told him my sad tale of injury, and he mentioned that, given my stress level and the amount of time I have been spending working out, I might be over-trained and need a break. He then told me some stories about HIS over-training days, when he did a century and then a marathon two weeks later (he is a total bad ass). I was somewhat annoyed when I got back to my desk and I started doing research right away. What are some of the symptoms of an athlete who is over-trained? Well I'm not going to outline them here, because I want you to do your own friggin research, but I had almost every one of them. Friggin frick.

After a lot of thought and even a few tears, I did a little more research and talked to my most trusted Bro-In-Law and we decided my best course of action would be to take two weeks and do nothing but Yoga and stretching. After that, I could get back to work, sans any impact cardio for two additional weeks.

I don't know what it was about all this that had me so upset, but I felt like rubbish for the rest of the day! I envisioned myself eating shit tons of Taco Bell and curry chicken, just as I did when I was pregnant. Or, eating a bunch of spaghetti sauce as I did the dishes. Or, one of my personal Liz favorites: not eating the crust on pizza slices to ensure that I had the belly space to eat as many actual slices as possible. I know...I know....I was really sexy back in those days. I was prepared to go find all my larger pants and bras and get ready to bulk up for the winter. I mean, it IS winter after all, and it HAS been pretty cold out. I envisioned myself in some of the photos we have of me and newborn Naomi (lawdy lawdy) and my legs were...uh....not fit. Or, as Rian would say (not about me, of course) they were "sturdy."

This blog is actually being written so I can cleanse my soul and confess to all readers that I am certifiably insane and unreasonable about what happened yesterday. I think injury to my foot was actually a Godsend. My knees, shoulders, ankles, and back have been killing me for weeks. I have been gimpy and tweaked since August, with one body part after another screaming out in pain.
So- here's to my health! I'm going to rest for TWO STRAIGHT WEEKS for the first time in I-don't-know-how-long. When I get back, I'll be back, and The Griz Shall Rise Again.

That is all.

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