Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Falling in Love

I guess these will be my thoughts for a Valentine's Day post. Although I have spent most of my adult years renouncing the "holiday," this year it has caused me to reflect a little about how cool it can be to actually fall/be In Love. My Valentines this year begin and end with whatever gifts an 8 and a 6-year-old bring to the table, so believe me, this blog isn't coming from a warm and lovey-dovey heart. Love... is a funny thing...

I think, to many, it's an odd feeling to wish with such passion to know another person more. For most of the time, we live in a sort of vacuum, which is inhabited only by the members of our inner circle, those whom we trust with our lives. It is dangerous to be vulnerable enough to to get to know anyone else, to let them in. So, we stay away from the world, unless by chance, another Being surprises us by catching the attention of our Soul.

But then, there's the Other Thing: the moment where we realize that we have encountered someone who causes us to sit up and pay attention... PROACTIVELY! It is quite something special to go out of our way to encounter another, and purposefully delve into their mind and heart in an effort to hold their affection. We become so vulnerable because, in an attempt to SEE them, we are also asking that they SEE us. It is terrifying! But, there we are... in the moment... wishing and wanting and longing for the thrill of love and falling in love. And loving every minute of it! 

I believe that falling in love makes you a better person, if you can let it. It exposes you in ways you would not normally see yourself. Here you are, full of hope and joy and optimism! Falling in love brings out the best in us. Sure, it can end in disaster...

...But isn't that the case with any incredible adventure?

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