Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Journey for Our Purpose

Why are you here?
What is your purpose for living and breathing?

Who would I be if I fully understand who I am, what my capabilities are, and I chose to live without fear of failure?

If we do not know our purpose, how can we fulfill it?
The journey to learning our purpose is a journey through time and self worth. The crests and the valleys show us new things about ourselves and others. This is critical knowledge we need to gather in order to figure out what all pieces of the puzzle are trying to illustrate.

Why does it matter that we embark on this journey and figure out our purpose?

Without purpose, we might feel like floating dust particles, polluting the earth with our grey matter and lack of direction. We may feel empty and insignificant. We may feel lost, and be filled with immeasurable loneliness.

It's worth it to take the time we have on the earth to establish the WHY we are here; and then the HOW we get to where we need to be. Choosing to live in the present, to accomplish what we can today, without the fear of failure tomorrow, is a heroic accomplishment. And the results... Magnificent for the soul. 

"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other." Abraham Lincoln

"Every man's life ends the same way. It is only the details of how he lived and how he died that distinguish one man from another." 

Ernest Hemingway

Friday, January 4, 2013

The Moral of the Story: No one cares if you are truly happy

On my way in to work this morning, I took a break from listening to Spanish radio (I have fantasies of one day understanding what they are saying), and decided to listen to some talk radio. So, here's how the story went:

Dude calls into the radio station with an issue. Last year, he met some girl on a flight to Oakland, and they totally hit it off. He's a triathlete, so is she, etc etc. They stay in touch via Facebook, writing several times a week. He's feels very connected to this girl. Well, a month or so later, Guy is back on the same flight out to Oakland and, "big surprise", the girl is on the same flight! (Insert several "who's stalking who" comments here). They talk the whole flight and he realizes that, wow, he really likes her. The only issue is that she is engaged to be married! The wedding is supposed to go down in July.
His conundrum: does he tell her how he feels?

The radio DJs told him NOT TO TELL HER! 

Ok- let's put aside the fact that I think this guy is full of shit and by "sending messages on Facebook," he really means that he and this chick met up once or twice (maybe more) in the last year. Let's pretend that he's not a crazy stalker and she is happily engaged. My issue is that she is only engaged! Why would they advise him not to say anything to her? The girl ain't married yet and, as I see it, if there's no wedding ring, it's still Game On. They essentially gave this guy the worst advice ever. 
"Dude, say nothing, and wonder for the rest of your life if you had a chance." 

Aces. We are raising a bunch of wimps in America. Don't fight for the girl. Hell, don't even take a chance on her! Enjoy living your entire life just wondering.

Am I the only person who thinks this is screwy?